The Miracle Of Birth Trauma.
Have you ever woken up and thought, how the hell did I get here? I’m well aware of what's going on NOW!, but it took me a LONG time to process through it all. I figured out how everything fell to shit and why it was the best thing that happened to me and it’s not what you think.
Adoption is a psychological barrier. Not knowing how or why you got there. It feels like you are forced to live your life in a bubble chained to the ground that belongs to someone else.
Adoption is not a perfect solution…
You see as an adoptee travels through the stages in their lives there are changes that develop.
Just like the stages of a normal biological human being.
See: Erikson’s 8 stages of psychosocial development
- Stage One — Trust vs Mistrust
- Stage Two — Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
- Stage Three — Initiative vs Guilt
- Stage Four — Industry vs Inferiority
- Stage Five — Identity vs Role Confusion
- Stage Six — Intimacy vs Isolation
- Stage Seven — Generativity versus Stagnation
- Stage Eight — Ego Integrity vs Despair
There is now a Ninth Stage of Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development which is Psychosocial Crises:
Erikson’s model of human development is epigenetic. This is to say that each stage of psychosocial development is built upon the previous stage or stages of development and their outcome. For example, a child who has a significant sense of basic trust, will seek autonomy and test it behaviourally without readily falling into shame and doubt. Or obversely a child with poor resolution of shame and doubt issues will have more trouble developing initiative unclouded by excessive guilt.
The common belief of the standard adoption narrative is completely out of touch with reality.
This stems from a misguided perception that adoptees should be grateful.
May I propose 2 forms of thought
1. Collective Consciousness
As a human being undergoes the Awakening process, which can progress gradually over many years, that person shifts into perceptions of higher consciousness, which can include increased awareness of energy in the environment, perceiving multidimensional realities, sensing extradimensional entities and feeling a direct communion with the greater source and the interconnected energy that exists between all things.
“Each individual is an expression of the collective consciousness of humanity, and the collective consciousness of humanity is an expression of the One universal conciousness”
Eckhart Tolle
2. Adoptees have repeatedly heard “Why can’t you just get over it?
Very hard thing to do with poor emotional intelligence imposed through infant trauma from day 1 of life. Separation from your birth mother via adoption creates extreme negative neurological default wiring. For someone to overcome this requires ongoing support and acknowledgment from family, employers, and government departments which in most cases does not even exist. Adoptees did not ask for this. Yet we do no get the support we require because of people’s misinterpretation of the unicorn adoption narrative on all levels.
“We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. But we are led by the least among us — the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. We are led by the least among us and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons.”
Terence McKenna
The injury done to infants separated from their mother at birth was acknowledged as early as 1759 by Jonas Hanway, yet it is still in practice today.
Below are a selection of esoteric sentiments, these kinds of sentiments are just not helpful.
Esoteric philosophy
offers a practical understanding of “that which is hidden” — the invisible, subtle dimensions of existence that surround and infuse the dense material world. This includes the nature of the Cosmos (the greater life, of which we are a part) and the dual nature of human consciousness.
It provides a framework for discerning the difference between the “higher” nature of the Soul or Self (which is inherently aware of our relationship to all of life, and whose qualities include compassion, inclusivity, wisdom), and the expression of the small self or separative personality. Using well-defined, proven, and safe techniques to integrate Soul and the personality, individuals deepen their alignment with higher levels of consciousness, becoming true change agents as conduits of Spirit in a world that very much needs higher vision and upliftment.
All that is required from the Ascension process is participation at the level you are able and that attention and focus are placed on one’s heart with a desire to know the true self. Well, that is almost impossible for an adoptee.
The developmental theory of an infant shows that a baby when it’s firstborn it cannot distinguish itself from its environment from the baby’s perspective it is all that it perceives.
Axiatonal Lines
The human body is filled with and surrounded by a dynamic energy system. The electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds the body is referred to as the auric field, aura, or etheric body which is made up of the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
The most simple explanation/metaphor is that Axiatonal Alignment connects us to the universal grid system and the planetary grid system. With Axiatonal Alignments, we are able to download information from the universe with ease.
For more information also see:
But what happens if this “system” is interrupted?
From birth I was diagnosed with “Megacolon, also known as Hirschsprung disease”, It is an abnormal dilation of the colon that is not caused by mechanical obstruction.
During the early development of the baby in the mother’s womb, nerve cells stop growing toward the end of a child’s bowel. Most of these cells start at the beginning of the bowel and grow toward the end. Hirschsprung disease occurs when these cells do not reach the end of a child’s bowel. Researchers are finding links between a mother’s poor mental health history during pregnancy increases the chance of her baby developing Hirschsprung disease.
The microbiota-gut-brain
(MGB) axis sits at the epicentre of this new approach to mental health. The microbiome plays an important role in the programming of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis early in life, and stress reactivity over the life span.
A system biological model is proposed that posits circular communication loops amid the brain, gut, and gut microbiome, and in which perturbation at any level can propagate dysregulation throughout the circuit.
Evidence indicates that microbiota communication with the brain involves the vagus nerve, which transmits information from the luminal environment to the central nervous system.
Vagal Nerve
The Vagal Nerve is the longest cranial nerve controlling a human’s inner nerve centre, the parasympathetic nervous system. It oversees a vast range of vital functions communicating sensory input from outside triggers to the rest of the body.
Polyvagal theory emphasizes the evolutionary development of two systems: the parasympathetic nervous system which is ultimately connected to the vagal nerve and the sympathetic nervous system. Each has its own function, and cause the body to react differently before, during, and after a traumatic or stressful event. If these two systems become damaged from excessive and recurrent trauma, a breakdown occurs and mental illnesses such as CPTSD and anxiety disorders may result.
The Limbic & Autonomic Nervous Systems
The central autonomic nervous system (ANS) is essential for maintaining cardiovascular and respiratory homeostasis in the newborn and has a critical role in supporting higher cortical functions. At birth, the central ANS is maturing and is vulnerable to adverse environmental and physiologic influences. Critical connections are formed early in development between the ANS and limbic system to integrate psychological and body responses. The Polyvagal Theory, developed by Stephen Porges, describes how modulation of the autonomic vagal impulse controls social responses and that a broad range of neuropsychiatric disorders may be due to impaired vagal balance, with either deficient vagal tone or excessive vagal reactivity. Under additional circumstances of prematurity, growth restriction, and environmental stress in the fetus and newborn, the immature ANS may undergo dysmaturation. Maternal stress and health as well as the intrauterine environment are also quite important and have been implicated in causing ANS changes in infant and neuropsychiatric diseases in children.
In short…
We are NOT all born equal. Telling someone to “Get over it”, avoiding “negative people” or telling someone “not to overthink” is toxic.
We deserve your acknowledgement and support.
The fact that people who suffer significant infant trauma without a neutral or “normal baseline” are able to face their darkness and turn it into a light for others to follow through achieving enlightenment, is far more than a miracle.
As an adoptee, my identity and purpose in life have been completely unclear. Until now!
- WHO ARE YOU? — A seeker of truth!
- WHAT DO YOU DO? — I can help you heal?
- WHO YOU DO IT FOR? = I do it for both you & me.
- WHAT DO THEY/YOU WANT OR NEED? — Connection and release from trauma
- HOW DID THEY/YOU CHANGE? If connection and healing are universal consciousness, then people who achieve enlightenment acknowledge share and heal the pain of others.
All toxic systems involved in the practices of #forcedadoption #religion #goverment #society & need to apologise and compensate adoptees and mothers. #australia #uk #europe #africa #korea #japan #china #canada #nz #usa #humanrights #unitednations