Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel

Reading list

58 stories

Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel

Adoption in Australia & Vocational Education

34 stories

Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel


21 stories

Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel


15 stories

Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel

Ascension & recovering from adoption trauma

46 stories

Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel

White Noise Chronicles.

6 stories

Introducing the White Noise Chronicles. We are not the same — diverse journeys and united voices.
White Noise Chronicles. Unveiling the Silent Struggles of Adoption
White Noise Chronicles. Cosmic trauma in adoption.
Shane Bouel

Shane Bouel

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.