Challenging Biases and Bigotry

A Personal Perspective on Adoption Rights

Shane Bouel
5 min readOct 22, 2023
Challenging Biases and Bigotry A Personal Perspective on Adoption Rights
AI Art By Thoughtless Delineation

As someone deeply involved in adoption rights advocacy, I’ve had the challenge of engaging with individuals from various walks of life. In these interactions, I’ve encountered a range of emotions and responses, and sometimes, people have been offended by the truths I’ve shared about adoption. While it’s not my intention to provoke discomfort, I’ve come to appreciate that offense can be a sign that we’re addressing deeply ingrained biases and prejudices.

Adoption is a complex and often emotional topic. It’s a subject intertwined with stories of love, loss, and hope, and it’s not surprising that discussions about it can stir powerful emotions. However, it’s essential to recognize that some of these reactions may be rooted in biases or misconceptions.

The truth about adoption is not always comfortable to confront. It involves stories of forced separations, loss of identity, and the impact of systemic inequalities. These narratives can challenge long-held beliefs and societal norms. When these truths are shared, some individuals may feel offended because it goes against their preconceived notions about adoption.

Challenging Biases and Bigotry A Personal Perspective on Adoption Rights
AI Art By Thoughtless Delineation

But here’s the thing:

Offense can be a catalyst for change. It’s an indication that we’re reaching deep into the heart of the matter. It’s an opportunity for reflection and growth. Those who feel offended should take a moment to ask themselves why. What is it about the truth of adoption that strikes a nerve?

In many cases, offense arises from a place of privilege or ignorance. It’s the result of not fully comprehending the complexities and nuances of adoption. It’s essential for those who feel uncomfortable with the truth to look within and examine their biases. It’s an opportunity for personal growth and, ultimately, for contributing to a more compassionate and just society.

As an advocate for adoption rights, my goal is not to alienate or provoke but to educate, inform, and inspire change. I believe in the power of dialogue and empathy. I encourage everyone, including those who might initially be offended, to engage in open and respectful conversations about adoption.

The truth about adoption may be uncomfortable, but it’s a reality that many have faced. It’s a call to action, urging us to work together to reform adoption legislation, policy, and services and to ensure the human rights and well-being of adopted individuals are protected.

So, if you find yourself offended by the truths I share about adoption, I invite you to go find a mirror. Take a moment to reflect on your feelings, question your biases, and join us in the journey toward a more just and compassionate society.

In the end, it’s not about offense;

it’s about progress. It’s about coming together to advocate for the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their adoption status. Together, we can make a difference.

Challenging Biases and Bigotry A Personal Perspective on Adoption Rights
AI Art By Thoughtless Delineation

To our elected public officials,

Your role is not one of mere representation but one of responsibility. You hold the power to effect change, to address the systemic injustices that persist within our society. It is not enough to offer empty promises or maintain the status quo. The very essence of your public service is rooted in the duty to act.

We, the citizens, look to you as the stewards of our collective welfare. We entrust you with our rights, our voices, and our hopes for a more equitable world. When you fail to act in the face of pressing issues, you betray that trust.

Inaction in the presence of social injustices is a choice – a choice to uphold the oppressive systems that perpetuate inequality. It is a choice to ignore the cries of those who have been marginalized and disenfranchised.

Your inaction speaks volumes. It sends a message that the suffering of the vulnerable is acceptable, that the pursuit of justice is not a priority, and that your political interests take precedence over the welfare of your constituents.

Society and your constituents implore you to remember the purpose of your public office. It is not a seat of privilege; it is a platform for change. The issues we face, whether related to adoption rights, human rights, or any other social justice cause, demand your active engagement.

The world is watching, and history will remember your choices. In a society yearning for progress, inaction is not an option. It is time to live up to the promises you made when you took your oath of office.

The path to change may be challenging, but it is also necessary. It is time to act, to advocate for the rights and well-being of all citizens, to challenge the biases and prejudices that hold us back, and to create a more just and compassionate world.

The call for action is not a request; it is a demand – a demand for a brighter, fairer, and more inclusive future.

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu

The question is, will you answer that call?

Public officials have a profound impact on the policies and actions that shape our society, and it’s important to hold them accountable for their responsibilities in addressing social justice issues.

Will you, as a member of society, call out officials at the time of elections by not voting for them?

To those officials who have used social media to block and disenfranchise adoptees because you hold bias and bigotry from a place of privilege and ignorance, you will be named!

You know who you are… Article coming soon

Parallel Histories: Lebensborn Program, Forced Adoption, and Modern Accountability

A Legacy of Oppression, Trauma, and Unanswered Questions



Shane Bouel
Shane Bouel

Written by Shane Bouel

Using creativity to lift standards of ethics & morality by questioning half-truths and denouncing the conservancy of inhumane ideologies.

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